Sports Massage Therapy
Sports Massage, ultrasound therapy, METs, Stretching, Trigger points
Service Description
Sports massage therapy utilises a variety of techniques to treat a wide range of musculo-skeletal problems. It can help prevent onset of injury, improve flexibility and wellbeing. It can be utilised by anybody so you don't need to be sporty to benefit from SMT. 15 minute consultation by phone or video prior to this session is needed.
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel or reschedule please try and give your therapist at least 24 hours notice. A late cancellation may incur a charge (full payment). If this is your first time visiting Twickenham Body Health, we need your permission to hold your data for 8 years. Please complete the GDPR form via this link
Contact Details
54 Tower Road, Strawberry Hill, TW1 4PE